About Us

With Ekta Forest… Take a Step Closer to Environmental Conservation.

"EKTA," symbolizing solidarity, resonates deeply with our ethos at Ekta Forest. We are committed to uniting individuals to embark on a journey towards sustainability with a simple click. Situated near The Statue of Unity, we believe in providing natural products to our consumers. For a decade, we have been working for nature’s betterment. Because of global warming and deforestation, we want to restore the quality of the environment and leave positive footprints for the generations yet to come. Ekta Forest pulsates with life as we engage in the sacred practices of organic farming, cow nurturing, and the sacred act of tree planting.

Sustainability is not merely a Goal; it is our sacred agreement with the Earth. Our offerings reflect this devotion, in the form of vibrant, high-quality organic produce. From freshly harvested fruits to the nurturing embrace of Gir cow milk, ghee, and buttermilk, every product embodies our respect for the Earth's abundance. Every tree planted at Ekta Forest carries a promise of renewal and growth. Guided by the beacon of technological innovation, we have crafted a web portal inviting people to join us in our sacred mission of tree planting.

Our love for Mother Earth flows boundlessly, as she is our nurturer and sustainer. We stand firm in our conviction that when hearts and hands unite, the symphony of nature's harmony can be restored. Join us, dear friend, as we embark on this sacred journey of healing and restoring our Mother Earth!

What We Do

With Ekta Forest… Take a Step Closer to Sustainability.

Ekta Forest believes in providing you the opportunity to engage in environmental conversation. With the help of technology, we have created a web portal for you, where through your financial contributions we will name Red Sandalwood trees in your name. We want the world to connect to the environment and decrease the impact of global warming by planting more trees. You can also visit Ekta Forest where you can physically verify the trees and contribute to the environment.

Through our web portal, we offer you more than just a platform; we extend an invitation to become a guardian of the Earth, a custodian of its precious gifts. Navigate effortlessly through your tree-related endeavours, each interaction infused with purpose and meaning.

In this sacred digital space, every action taken is a testament to your commitment to the preservation and restoration of our natural world.


Why Red Sandalwood?

Raktachandan, that is Red Sandalwood has a red bark that is used widely in the pharmaceutical industry due to its antiseptic, and anti-aging properties. This tree is also used in skincare products because it heals the skin. Additionally, the bark is used in making luxurious furniture and musical instruments. We chose this tree because it provides food and habitat to the wildlife. Ekta Forest cares for the natural elements and believes that growing Red Sandalwood would help in contributing to our purpose.

Red Sandalwood is a rare tree that is high in demand. Compared to other trees such as Coconut or Mango, the market for Red Sandalwood is very direct and not volatile. From the perspective of investments, it fetches higher returns.

Why Choose Us

Ekta Forest serves as a gateway to a realm where technology and nature merge and offer a purpose to the people to conserve our mother earth while creating a smart investing option. We aim to build a community where one click connects people to Mother Earth. At Ekta Forest, we believe in providing mutual benefits to our customers as by purchasing red sandalwood, your investments are safe and it is profitable. Through our platform, you can contribute to reforestation by supporting tree-planting initiatives. Your contributions are helping restore ecosystems and establishing habitats for wildlife.

One drop in the bucket can do wonders for our planet. Connecting with rural life via our platform offers a chance to forge a deeper bond with nature. By immersing yourself in the rhythm of rural existence, you play a crucial role in safeguarding the planet for future generations by investing in trees through the Ekta Forest platform! These trees are also a good option for gifting and encouraging other people to join this beautiful initiative.


Our planet has always provided us a roof to live and natural resources for sustenance. But as human beings, we do not give back to the earth and preserve its resources for future generations. Ekta means solidarity and togetherness. It is important for people to collectively work together to preserve our natural resources.

Our mission is to encourage people to make future-proof investments in Red Sandalwood trees. These trees are important for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health. Red Sandalwood trees also help with soil stabilization, water retention, and decrease erosion. The Ekta Forest project acts as a medium to connect the people and the earth.